Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Friday, December 28, 2007

You learn something new . . .

unfortunately, it isn't always the thing you wanted to learn, or even the thing you hoped you would learn. What we learn is often in the realm of "why on earth did this happen?" and "How am I ever going to work this out?" Usually, for me - it is a matter of knowing myself better and finding out what I'm really made of. I'm certainly tougher than I imagined. I'm stronger than I used to be, too - I know that. I'm rolling with the waves more peacefully than I have in the past. I'm positive that I haven't learned everything that I need to learn. I'm a little bit nervous about that. Actually, I'm seriously nervous about that. There is a new year coming. I am determined to take it day by day, week by week. I'm going to make little plans and little goals - working in baby steps toward my larger vision. We'll see if by the end of the coming year I haven't make some significant progress. I know that along the way, there will be many side trips and surprises. I'll be finding out a little more of what I'm made of. I hope I'm made of good stuff. I hope that what I learn is that I truly Trust in God to help me find His plan for my life. I hope that I Trust in Him Enough, with maybe some to spare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.