Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa, We're ready!

For the first time in 14 years, I'm ready for Christmas two days early. All that's left is for Santa to come and make everything magically appear under the tree. Seriously! This, is a great feeling. I actually have time to think about things I'd like to do, for myself, my family, others. This feeling is as good as being at a resort in the Caribbean, lounging on a chair in the soft sand on a warm day. Why? Stress free. No worries. I know, because of Murphy, something could happen between now and then, but that will just be about putting out a little fire here or there. This is a glorious Christmas, already.
Now, what do I want to do?

1 comment:

EarlGirl said...

Woo-hoo! Good for you! We're ready too, except for that peaky 22lb turkey in my fridge :)