Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Monday, June 30, 2008


While I was writing this morning, I heard Q in the bathroom filling up the sink and thought myself very smart for checking on him. Little did I know that in the half hour I thought they were watching Word World they had been downstairs “painting” E’s room. Poor A, I scared her to death when I came downstairs and saw the mess. I started screaming like a kid at a horror show. “Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!”
They had opened three cans of paint and covered a 4’x6’ area on the wall by her bed. There was paint on the bedding, on the carpet, on the curtains of her closet. It has taken me about an hour to get it cleaned up. It was still quite wet when I discovered it and so most of it came off. A little magic eraser took care of what was left on the wall after a wet towel. There was still some left on the wallpaper border, but I have plenty of the border to switch out the damaged portion. It may not come out of the bedding completely, but it will be okay. I’ve wanted to get E a runner for by the door/bed - now I have an even better reason. . . paint residue.
I had so many plans for that hour. I feel like I need a day off from my day off. Q has learned a pretty serious lesson. On the other hand, so have I.


Angie said...

Oh Ab! What a nightmare! It sounds like it resolved itself reasonably well, although you can't get your lost hour back! Silence among the 5 and under set really is a danger sign, but sometimes (at least) I ignore the warning bells of silence in favor of continuing what I was trying to do, almost always to my detriment. Oh, and on your other post, you ARE a breath of fresh air! Always. Love you!

tatum said...

hey friend! i am so glad you started a blog, i just found you, i did get your call back that one day, my life has just been a blur nightmare lately, we still need to chat sometime, i want to catch up with you. here is my blog

love ya!

EarlGirl said...

That makes me sick to my stomach just reading about it! I'm glad it all worked out, but oh, the aggravation!

Marci said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I can't imagine the mess. With kids, it seems like it never ends!! But lucky for your kids, you are more patient than most!!