Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Second Week of Work.

A friend saw me at work this week - both of us were very surprised.
"What about your kids? How are you going to do it?" he asked.
"Have you heard of faith?" I replied.
It's much more than faith, however. Faith has been the thing that has allowed me to go down this road, confident that the Lord would lead me to the right place. Faith has taken me this far in the sense that I had the courage to act. It has enabled me to keep moving when I felt lost. It has renewed me and given me peace. The job my faith took me to is, as I have said before, completely different from what I originally had in mind, but it has also been much better than I imagined. I enjoy the people I'm working with tremendously. Our customers literally come from all over the world which appeals to my sense of curiosity and adventure. Today I was helping a married couple from Hungary - both Doctors. The were so much fun. I love that aspect more than I can say.
It isn't faith, however that has cared for my children. My family has enthusiastically embraced that role with love. If I had an 8 to 5 job, I would be with kids in the evening. Because my hours are crazy, the kids have needed a lot of care in the evenings. My schedule has made more room for D to be with them and care for them, which is good for everyone. D and the kids see each other more than they would otherwise, which is a win win situation. Everyone is happier. That is one of the miracles that has come from trusting in the Lord. Things that I thought would be impossible have proved not only to be possible but to be better than what I had personally planned. Have you noticed how often that is the case?
The kids are doing okay. Poor Q is overwhelmed by all of the changes. His dad moved to his new apartment on Saturday, and his Mom is working away from home for the first time in his life. It is easy to see that he is torn and filled with emotion that he doesn't understand.  I took time when I got home today to sit with him and talk. He cried and told me all about how he wants things to be. Then he settled down and started to boss me around as usual. I knew then that he was feeling a little better. He fell asleep in my arms and the girls came in to have their turns to sit and talk. Dishes can wait for later because there is only so much time to hug and talk to my children. We all need that time. I feel really blessed to have them to come home to, they are my motivation. They are the reason I want to succeed, learn and work hard.
I'm very tired now, it's time to get everyone to bed. E says I should just put "The End" and be done. I think it's very good advice, there will be time to write another day. 

"The End"


Angie said...

Ah! The beauty of being able to see that the unintended choice was the one Heavenly Father was grooming for us all along. I'm so glad things are working so much better than you had feared. I love you!

EarlGirl said...

Wow. Faith, indeed. I'm so glad the Lord has you in his hands. I'll send some extra prayers your way.

tatum said...

we need to talk, my dan moved out too, three months ago, what is going on in this world today? call me on my cell, 801-824-1362. i hope you are doing well, i know i am a basket case.

Autumn & Chris said...

Hey Abby-
Your in my prayers. It seems like sometimes life throws us crap and we don't know how we're going to get through it and then the Lord sets his down upon us in the most amazing ways. Know this.... You are Amazing.

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Hi there. I found your blog on the motherhood site (Kersten Campbell). I don't know what you are going through, but I think you are an amazing woman. You have such faith. Heavenly Father sure blesses us with strength. Hugs to you.-Tiffany

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

HI there. I found your blog on the motherhood site(Kersten Campbell). I don't know what you are going through but you sound like an amazing lady. It's wonderful how Heavenly Father blesses us in our times of trial. What faith you have. Many hugs

Marci said...

You always have such an amazing attitude. I hope that will help carry you through this difficult trial. You and your family are in my prayers!

Abby said...

Thanks everyone for you prayers and sweet words. I know we've been so blessed, and I don't doubt that much of that is due to people who care sending petitions to heaven on our behalf. Keep up the good work!