Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reassuring Q.

Mommy, am I a good boy?

Yes, Q you are a good boy.

Do you love me, Mommy?

Yes, Q. I love you very much. I love being your Mommy.

So, I'm a good boy? I'm not a bad boy?

Well, sweetie, sometimes when you do things like paint your sister's wall, and bed, and carpet I don't like cleaning it very much. Sometimes those things make me a little crazy, but that doesn't mean that you are a bad boy. You are a good boy.

So you love me?

Yes, sweetheart. I love you.

My poor baby is suffering like any 5 year old would under the current circumstances. I have to say, however that I am extremely impressed with how he is doing. He is my "no changes under any condition" child. It took him 6 months (at 3 1/2 years old) to accept the fact that we were living in a new house and wouldn't be returning to the old one. It is a very very good thing that my family has been so helpful and supportive. It is a good thing that he loves his Grandma and Grandpa so much. Although he is asking a lot of questions, there has actually been less angry demanding that "everything return to it's prior condition." When we moved, he'd say things like, "Mom, you need to call the tainers back so Dad can put all of our things back and we can go back to our house." He's say things like that two or three times a day, well - probably more. He still can't go by that house without demanding from the back seat that we make the new owners give it back to us. What a kid. I think that it will take years to really see how all of the changes have affected him. There is still a great deal that remains to be seen, but at least for now, he seems to be doing well. I talk to him. I hold him when he just needs to feel close and safe. I cry when he paints walls. We move forward day by day. There have been far more good days than bad days in the last two weeks. More like there have been a few difficult hours, but for the most part, it has been very good. This is no small miracle.


Angie said...

Miracles and gifts and blessings. You deserve them all. I'm so glad Q is participating too. I can only imagine the peace that has been dealt to his tender heart to allow him to weather this so uncharacteristically well. I'm so grateful for you that it has!

EarlGirl said...

That's no small miracle at all! I'm so glad you're being helped and sustained through this.

J.J. said...

I did not know you moved, I hope you are still in the ward!
I wish you the best, and please if you need anything please give me a call.

Abby said...

I was talking about when we moved to the house we are in now - we haven't moved again. We still live where you think we live. I'll be working some Sundays but my kids will be there with D or my sister/parents.

Debbie Olson said...

Oh, Abby--{{{Hugs!}}} You are a very special Mama, and I will be praying for you and little Q!

J.J. said...

I'm so glad you are still here, I still see your kids and D on sundays. I'm glad to hear all is well.

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL! We have moved 7 times in 6 years and our kids have handled the moves WAY BETTER than me & my husband have!

We can learn a lot from kids :)

tatum said...

i totally understand Q, my cole has been doing the same thing, it's a hard age. poor boy.