My middle three children we gone with their Grandma for 3 days - leaving me with a good deal of time on my hands. My goal while they were gone was to paint E's new bedroom downstairs. I got the walls done, and it looks wonderful. She was so excited when they got home.
With that done, I started thinking about other things that have claim on me over the next couple of days. There really is a lot to be done, so I started a list. It's a long list, so I color coded it to help me prioritize and plan. It's not a great "system" but it's going to work out just fine for today and tomorrow. I've already got the letter to the IRS done. (Whew! and Niiiiiice to have that crossed off.) I'd like to get the furniture moved into E's new room on Saturday so that she can sleep there Sunday night. The three older kids go back to school on Monday morning. We really needed this break from reality, and all of us have enjoyed the time away from the school routine. I'm actually, for the first time ever, sad to see the break ending. There is a lot of nostalgia tied up in that - the timing of other events has heightened that feeling. It's time to move forward, in so many ways. Heading back to school is symbolic to me of what my future has in store.
So, here's the list. "Feed, Wash and Care for Children" is the unwritten but constant to do list which will be mine for many years to come, and even though it's not written in ink here, it's the task I'm most grateful for.