Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Don't over-do it.

This is Monday. I'm beat. The children are out of school for their track break, so I was trying to balance "need to do" with fun.

My list included the following:

1) Care for the general needs of the kids while also preparing for an afternoon out of the house.
2) Send an invoice to a customer before we leave for the afternoon.
3) Go to Rec Center to sign boys up for sports and some off-track fun days.
4) Head South 45 minutes to deliver some products to another very good customer.
5) On the way back, stop at North American Museum of Ancient Life (aka The Dinosaur Museum).

Remember - just me and the five children. Still two more stops to go.

6) Go to Target to pick up some items which were missing from a box purchased on Saturday. Allow each child to pick out a treat for their good behavior at the Dinosaur Museum. Purchase some goodies for my Valentine.
7) Get haircuts for the older two boys, in preparation for my sister's wedding in two weeks.

We had crepes for dinner. Luckily - every one's favorite, and a very quick meal. I found it hard to believe that we had done everything on the list, but we did.

After dinner, I collapsed.

It is not the kind of day I intend to repeat often. I'm not a glutton for punishment. I was thrilled to hear the American Academy of Pediatrics say - "Kids need less scheduled time, and more time to just PLAY." I've actually been on the other end of the spectrum, thinking - "I really ought to let the kids play at least one sport this spring." Last spring's activities fell to the "brand new baby out in the elements" issue. This year, however, we are itching to get out and go. Baby A is a year old, healthy and strong. Q might be a bit more manageable at nearly four - at least that is my hope. C will be doing soccer, which he couldn't be happier about. T is heading back to baseball. I hope it does them well. There is nothing like "doing" for kids. I believe, however, in not "over-doing". I'm looking forward to the warmer weather. It brings with it more frequent visits to the park and opportunities for the children to play with friends in the neighborhood. We'll be busy, but sanity and peace will come first. I don't intend to put "collapse onto the couch in utter exhaustion" on my to do list anyitme soon.

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