Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Organizing - My Real Hobby

There are a few things I'd like to accomplish, after all we moved into the house less than three full months ago and I have some organizing left to do. I know that we're doing remarkably well for having to fight with five children to get any of said organizing done. All of my "things" ended up in the basement, which is unfinished for now, and unheated - think freezing. I've finally got enough shelving to organize all of my hobby paraphernalia. I just want to get everything else out of boxes and onto a shelf. I want to bring some of my professional books upstairs to the shelves in the family room. The kids are fed, the dishes are done, C has finished his homework and I just need to check it. Did I mention that it is FREEZING in the basement? It puts a damper on my desire to get to work. I know that I'll feel much better when it's done, and I'll start using my desk more. That can only be a good thing, because anything creative is so soothing to me. At the moment, I spend more time organizing than working on projects but it won't be much longer and we'll have that dragon licked! I hope.
My space has to facilitate a lot of living. I have learned many needle crafts and have been sewing for 27 years. When my grandma's vision started to fail, she gave me all of her yarn and needles. Many storage items in that category. About five years ago I added paper crafts to the fray. I scrapbook and make cards. My husband works for a scrapbooking company, and I am a Stampin' UP! demonstrator. Lots of paper crafting, and now business items to store! Of course I need most everything to be easily accessible and easy to see, next year's Christmas cards are the exception. There are many items to organize relating to my own personal history and my family's history. Numerous photos and report cards and special items are waiting to be sorted and put away until I can give them a permanent home. There are things that just need to be donated to charity, and I've got to work that into this process, too. Anything that I can't find a real place for is going to have to go.
When I first started working on this pipe dream of organizaiton, a friend commented that he thought I only had 5 hobbies - an obvious reference to my children. Right now, they are my days and my nights. There are moments when all five are busy with play, or a babysitter, and I can steal away. . . to organize. Someday, I've heard, I will have a lot more time on my hands - and by then I'm certain that I will also have a heated and finished space to work in. There is nothing so certain as the passage of time. While there are some things I'd like to get done, I'm not in too much of a hurry. When the time passes, it is gone forever and with it the childhood of my babies. I take a lot of photos and keep good journals. When I do have the promised extra time, I will be able to do justice to the sweetness that the five of them have brought to my life.

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