Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My kingdom for a decent night's rest

It must be time to add something to the blog, because boy am I cranky! A has been sick this week. Diagnosed Sunday with an ear infection. Hives Sunday night - could only be the Amoxicillin. Started Omnicef on Monday - she still seems very uncomfortable, maybe there's still some Amoxicillin in her system? Totally out of sorts on Tuesday night, and oh look, a few little bumps on the back of her neck - has to be the Omnicef. Her ear infection was only budding, and not nearly the problem that curing her of it has been. I really haven't slept much for 3 days, and having spent those nights with a screaming baby I'm walking the razor's edge when it comes to patience. Honestly, I don't have any patience left at all, but for the sake of the rest of the family I'm managing not to fly off the handle about every little thing.
I've got a headache, and for some reason the older boys seem extra silly today. Coincidence? It's probably not even the truth - just the perception of a brain which hasn't been able to process properly for half the week. The funny thing is that A didn't even nap today. She acted tired a couple of times, but didn't ever sink into the deep sleep she usually does after receiving her dosage of warm milk. Everyone is a little out of kilter though, and I know it's not completely my imagination. Sassy and slow to obey about sums it up. There is a patience factor there, but honestly, E doesn't generally respond to my every request with a screaming fit and T is, well he's T. Come to think of it, he's not brooding about not being able to play video games, which is a step toward better than yesterday. At the moment, E and C are in the other room pretending up some big scheme - full of emotion but not fighting. That is something to truly be thankful for, and I am. Q and A are sitting here in the room with me. They aren't crawling all over me, or even trying to crawl all over me. I haven't seen much beyond the normal destruction, which is also very good. I think we are all winding down, finally.
I called the doctor's office, to fill them in on all of the commotion with A. I told them what I was going to do, and they were fine with it. There is no way I'm giving her another round of Omnicef tonight. Out of plain self-preservation, mostly but I'm looking at it as an experiment. If she actually sleeps well, then we know it was the antibiotic and we can start again. Turner should be home from Scouts soon, so here's what I'm really hoping for. He'll finish his homework without a big fuss - he's told me that it isn't much so I'm feeling like that's a real possibility. We'll all get ready for bed, brush our teeth and everybody will fall asleep quickly. As for me, I'll just pretend that this day never really happened and try not to worry about what I could be in for during the wee hours of the morning. As another stressed out princess under attack once said, "Help us Obi Won Kenobi. You're our only hope."

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