Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

In Lisbon, there is a square. . .

I read this on the Lisbon Daily Photo blog today:

In the middle of the square there's a statue of Dom Pedro IV and at its foot the four female figures representing Justice, Wisdom, Strength and Moderation, qualities attributed to Dom Pedro himself.

Sometimes the Spirit just hits you over the head. Justice, Wisdom, Strength and Moderation. These are the qualities that I need to seek earnestly to develop more fully at this juncture in my life. Especially Moderation, mostly Moderation. My life as it has been for the last 14 years is going to change soon. With the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost I have been blessed with a greater sense of Justice, Wisdom and more Strength than I believe I naturally possess. I can feel the tug of Moderation, too. I'm grateful for it. Moderation is not deprivation. Moderation is not excess. I believe that it is the pillar that will help me to strike a lasting balance in my life, in spite of the challenges that will come.
I say all of this with the plain acknowledgement that without the Lord Jesus Christ I would be nothing. I would be a useless pile of broken up person. With him, I am healing, happy and hopeful. Justice, Wisdom, Strength and Moderation. It sounds a lot like Him, only He is so much more than that - He is also Love, Compassion and every other good and wonderful quality that has ever been known.

If you'd like to see some photos of the square, go here.


Uma por Dia said...

It really touched you Abby :)
I will take closer shot from it! Now I'm colecting shoe shops shots!

Anonymous said...

Abby, I know exactly what you mean. (Though to clarify, moderation doesn't apply to chocolate, right? No, of course not, what am I thinking?)

Angie said...

Moderation I think is a fabulously timely theme for life, no matter what stage we're in. Definitely where you are right now. I've been chanting "times and seasons, times and seasons" to myself lately to remind myself that now just isn't the time for everything if there is any hope at finding a balance. You're doing a great job!

Abby said...

Oh, Stacey dearest. Moderation, for me, has to include Chocolate because I've noticed that . . . and I hate to admit it . . . because, well it's just so sad, but for me Chocolate is a gateway fat. I eat a little and then I eat more and then I'm thinking that wasn't so bad - I'm not in any pain, and then I'm thinking I can handle something bigger, like a Peanut Butter Sandwich. It's all downhill from there. Gall Bladder issues stink - but I'll take my health problems thank you very much.
Chocolate, however, is necessary for life. If I am going to spill a little into the overindulged realm, it's going to be chocolate. Definitely Chocolate.

fivekidsandsomechocolate said...

I love how you think. Isn't it amazing how the spirit works? Teaching us when we least expect it.
Moderation is an issue for me, too. I have to remember to include the BEST things, not just everything GOOD- too overwhelming. Ahhh- chocolate... Happily dark chocolate has antioxidants.

J.J. said...

I really loved what you said, and I just think you are an amazing women. Thank you for your example, I'm so glad to know you.