Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Internet Christmas

Well, it's early but not too early. My big boys are up and arguing over 'who gets in the shower first' aka "there is no way I'm sharing any of the hot water with YOU." By the time I get them to school, the younger ones will be awake and ready for immediate attention. Q, aged 3 1/2 years, likes to announce his bathroom needs, followed by "Mommy, will you come with me?" Thankfully for both of us, I know that what he is really saying is, "You need to be there so that I don't miss the toilet." I'm generally very pleased to be in attendance. It's much easier than taking care of the aftermath, which usually includes a load of laundry. I asked him one day, "Sweetie, why did you pee on the floor?" To which he very confidently replied, "Because I didn't pee in the potty." Children need tending to, and that is the bottom line.

I can't believe it, the boys are safely deposited at school, and the "little kids" as T & C like to call them, are still sleeping. This is frankly unheard of. My guess is that I have than five or ten more minutes at the maximum. That's usually about the amount of time I get to myself at some point during the day. Explain to me how fathers don't understand the complete lack of privacy endured day in and day out by mothers of young children. Thankfully, children do grow up - maybe it's school that teaches them about wanting privacy. At any rate, that seems to be the age that my children would rather die than accidently walk into the bathroom and find me there. The "little kids" love it when I disappear. I swear it's like a treasure hunt. "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? . . . I found you Mommy!" Yes, you did. Imagine that. There is no privacy, at least not without consequences. Q simply cannot be left alone without the understanding that a mega mess will ensue. And I don't mean a "pick up your toys" kind of mess. I mean the "if mom can't see what I'm doing then whatever I'm doing must be okay" kind of mess.

During this holiday season, I have cleaned up a mess or two like that. I've done most of my shopping online, without paying for shipping on a single order, I might add. It's been fantastic, except that like anything it still takes time. Time spent at home with all of our conveniences, without traveling to any brick and mortar locations. No coats, car seats, or carts - each a potential time waster of huge proportions. I just have to be able to point and click without any prying eyes which can be kind of tricky given the "treasure hunt" mentality of the "little kids". Life is as it is. You work with what you've got. Let me tell you, am I glad that I have got the internet and a few favorite stores with good online selection and free shipping. It has given me a little freedom to breathe and enjoy my family. I certainly didn't expect to have that this season. The lack of rushing, all by itself, has made it a very joyous Christmastime. Thank you Al Gore, for inventing the internet.

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