Here's to maintaining some self-respect and sanity while tending to the growth and maturation of young minds, including your own young mind. Here's to recognizing that it isn't necessary to know how everything is going to turn out in advance, and that often Life has much better in store than one can imagine. Here's to hope and happiness even when Life gets complicated, especially then... That's when it's needed it most.

...afterall, the car may only seat seven but room for friends is unlimited...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Last Week was great!

Except for the part where I forgot that the deadline for turning in school track registration was Friday. This morning, I remembered but not with enough time to take it in to the school office when I dropped the kids off at school.

Then, when I was looking for the track form, I found an envelope - unopened - in my stack of mail. I vaguely remember it being in our mailbox sometime last week. Well, it was for E - an invitation to a birthday party that happened on Saturday morning. YIKES!

So, now, even though last week was amazingly packed with a big service project culmination for my church group (I was in charge of the project), beginning of baseball practices for the boys, and a birthday party for E - I still feel like the biggest geek in town.

Now, I've got to get over to the school, because on top of the track form, E forgot her "Leprechaun Trap".

Amazing how much can fall through the cracks, even when we are doing our best, isn't it? This is going to be a lesson in "letting things be" and not wasting my time on worry. The only way to come out of moments like this happy is to figure out what you actually can do to rectify things, and do it.

1 comment:

Angie said...

The life of a busy mom is filled with so many pesky little details. I liked the advice I got from a friends dad--father of 12--you have to change your definition of success. Instead of success=nothing falling by the wayside, success can become=no blood today, no ER visits, or something equally attainable. Sounds like you're still good at finding your happy place amid the entropy of pesky details. Glad to hear it.